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Frequently Asked Questions by Parents/Carers and Professionals

Paediatrics have signposted parents to WTT support in school but we are a Lincolnshire specialist setting

Lincolnshire specialist settings can access the universal central training offer from WTT but WTT are not commissioned to support specialist settings with individual pupils. Working Together Team is led from Gosberton House Academy. 

Can I have more information about the NAS Earlybird Plus Parent programme?

How is the programme delivered to parents/carers?

The Working Together Team are licensed facilitators of the EarlyBird Plus Programme

  • Sessions are delivered virtually, via Teams, or Face-to-Face (parents/carers can indicate their preference on application)
  • Meetings last for 2 hours, if online, and for 2.5 hours when Face-to-Face
  • A small group meet for 8 weekly session, with 2 optional extra sessions 1:1 as home visits or online/phone discussions.
  • The optional home visit/online or phone call will last no more than an hour

Who can I bring with me?

  • Each family are allocated 2 places for the ‘family’ and 1 for a supporting professional , if appropriate (e.g. a teaching assistant who works with your child on a regular basis)
  • All 3 places do not need to be filled to access the programme – some parents attend alone, others bring a grandparent or friend for support
  • It will not always be possible for a professional to attend with you (depending on the capacity of any education setting to release staff) and you may not feel that this is necessary.

Do I need to attend all of the sessions?

  • We appreciate that attending this programme is a big commitment (8 weekly sessions and 2 home visits) and so it may not be right for your family at this time.
  • It is important that you try and attend every session, as the discussions build from week to week and the intention is to build a mutually supportive group
  • The strength of the programme is the knowledge and confidence parents gain around understanding their child’s autism and the relationships that are built as support is offered to each other.

Can I bring my younger child with me? Does my child need to come with me?

  • The sessions are for you to develop your confidence about autism and meeting your child’s needs. The children do not attend with you.
  • Unfortunately, there is no childcare available at any of the Face to Face sessions for your younger children.
  • To get the most out of the programme your focus really needs to be on engaging with the sessions – listening to others, offering support and reflecting on how the advice and guidance may be applied to your child and family.

Do I have to have a home visit? What happens during a home visit?

  • The ‘home visits’ are optional and you can choose to have a 1:1 online catch up, or a phone call with one of the facilitators if you would prefer.
  • The offer of these sessions is to enable parents/carers to chat with one of the facilitators to consolidate what you have learnt on the course so far and talk about concerns that are pertinent to you  and your child.

How much does this cost?

  • The programme is offered for FREE, although we do ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the resources (parent booklet – which is yours to keep)
  • A ‘guide’ to this financial contribution is detailed in the accompanying information with the application form

"Paediatrician has requested a referral to WTT"

 WTT support settings to meet the needs of autistic children and young people/ those with social communication differences, through the WTT Ladder. The Ladder asks settings to utilise the robust training offer from WTT, engage with implementing and reviewing practice and evidences working with WTT. 

 "Parent/Carers have requested a referral to WTT"

Settings and parents will start the WTT Ladder if WTT are the right service for support. There is more information on the Ladder under "Outreach for Education" and "Support from WTT"

"Who can use the WTT Ladder?"

SENCOs/Head Teachers/Principals of Mainstream primary, Secondary and college settings. If you are unsure if the Ladder is the appropriate way forward, please discuss with AskSALL in the first instance. WTT are not commissioned for Independent or Early Years settings.

 "Do you work directly with families/children?"

Our role is to empower settings and families through the use of our Core and Bespoke offer and via the WTT Ladder. Please see our "families" section for more information on workshops available. Any strategies advised through the Ladder should be implemented by those who are working with the children/young person every day. 

"Where/Who can I contact to get help at home?"

Discuss your concerns with the SENCO at school. They will be able to signpost you to the most appropriate services available. You could also explore the Lincolnshire Autism Information Hub for information on local support groups and the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

 "We don't see any concerns in school but parents report behaviours at home"

This is something families tell us often. The WTT Ladder can help evidence both the family and child/young person voice alongside the school presentation to identify ways forward and any links between the 2 environments.

"What does ADOS mean?"

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. This is the tool currently used for assessing for a diagnosis of autism in Lincolnshire through Community Paediatrics.  

 "How do I go about getting a diagnosis for my child?"

You will need to speak to the school SENCO. This process has recently changed and GPs can no longer refer. Community Paediatrics ask that schools complete the referrals which are then triaged.

"How long does it take to receive a diagnosis?"

Waiting times vary and Community Paediatrics will be able to give you the current picture for your area. 

"My child attends a school in Leicestershire but with a Lincolnshire address. Can we refer to WTT for support?"

WTT are commissioned to support Lincolnshire maintained mainstream schools and academies and therefore out of county schools do not fall within our role. Different Counties have their own specialist support services. Please contact your school SENCO to discuss accessing the right support

"I've spoken to my child's setting but I don't feel they are recognising his/her needs"

Autistic children often have a very different presentation across home and school. If you've spoken to their class staff, arrange a conversation with the SENCO. If you still feel stuck, contact WTT for a conversation.  (Lincolnshire mainstream settings only) You can also seek advice from Liaise and the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum.

"Our school/family do not feel the child's needs can be met in the current setting-can WTT help?"

WTT's role is to empower mainstream settings to meet the needs of autistic children/young people and those with social communication differences. Our focus will be on the child's strengths and what they need in order to succeed, wherever they attend school.  Through using the WTT Ladder the setting will be able to evidence their practice , the impact and support from WTT. 

"Can WTT support independent schools?"

WTT's commissioned role is for Lincolnshire schools and academies and does NOT include independent settings. Those settings can access training from WTT at a cost.

"Are WTT able to support Early settings?"

WTT's commissioned role is for Lincolnshire schools and academies and includes supporting schools to be ready to meet the needs of autistic pupils transitioning into Primary school from Early Years settings. This work takes place in the summer term and via your settings Early Years Specialist Teacher. 

 Our central training offer includes workshops for Early Years practitioners and you can also access support through the Lincolnshire Early Years Inclusion team.