Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools
Meeting the needs of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools is the cornerstone to improving outcomes (across attainment, attendance and wellbeing), parental confidence and delivering the financially sustainable SEND system, as envisaged in the SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan.
Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) will bring health and education specialists and expert parent carers into mainstream primary settings to:
• Help shape whole school SEND provision.
• Provide early interventions at a whole school level.
• Upskill school staff.
• Support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers.
Latest work for PINS
September 2024 was a busy month for PINS. Through Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (LPCF) and WTT, coffee mornings and afternoons were held across the PINS schools to explain the project to parents and introduce the services involved. A great opportunity to share the work of LPCF with families and build relationships for collaborative working. More information about LPCF can be found here
October 2024 saw the start of our PINS face to face training events take place at the Boston Enterprise Centre with many of the Boston South Holland PINS schools taking part in a 2-Day Inclusive Leadership conference. Open to school leadership staff and SEND Governors, the group spent time looking at and discussing:
The need for change in our schools to improve outcomes for children and young people
Enabling inclusion and systemic good autism practice
Educational policy and legislation
Vision, strategy, and actions.
Developing an neurodivergent inclusive culture
What it means to Belong in school and how we can ensure that our policies, procedures and co-production enable needs-led inclusion for all.
It was a fantastic opportunity for our schools to reflect on current practice, network with colleagues and action plan for the future.
COMING SOON: Access to Developing Inclusive Leadership recorded training for those who were unable to attend a face to face session.
Ongoing PINS work:
Autumn term priorities:
Liaising between PINS/WTT and schools on SWOT analysis.
Learning walks, environment and sensory audits-please contact your local PINS lead to arrange this.
Look out for invitations to PINS drop-in sessions
These are focused on celebrating developments, identifying next steps, addressing challenges and sharing ideas and practice.
The Lincolnshire PINS Menu Of Support is now available (see download below).
Please familiarise your staff with these opportunities and encourage them to participate. Access is free and delivered by local practitioners.
If you would like us to deliver whole school face to face twilight training, please contact your PINS lead.
PINS WTT is currently booking:
The sensory and physical environment for neurodivergent children (8th or 28th November)
This 1 day, in person workshop is a bespoke package from the WTT PINS team, which will include:
- Supporting staff to increase their understanding of sensory and physical needs in all children, and to consider how sensory input influences behaviour and affects engagement in education.
- Exploring an audit of the current school environment supported by resources to ensure that schools can continue to re-assess the environment themselves.
- Supporting staff to make changes to the classroom environment in order to enhance children’s learning experience and regulation.
A great opportunity to enhance understanding, reflect on current practice, sensory and physical environment, network with colleagues and action plan for your setting’s future.
The emotional wellbeing and mental health of neurodivergent children. (22nd November or 6th December)
This 1 day, in person workshop is a bespoke package from the WTT PINS team, which will include:
- Understanding mental health and latest research
- Exploring common factors in the academic environment that can increase anxiety for neurodivergent children, how that anxiety might be expressed and reasonable adjustments that can be made to prevent and reduce a pupil’s anxiety
- Understanding masking in neurodivergent children, what you may see, the masking cycle and how to support.
- Understanding of emotions, the differences for neurodivergent children and how this impacts development, links with sensory regulation and ways to support.
- Reflection on current practice, discussions with colleagues to share practice and action planning.
These days are designed for all staff and we hope that leaders and SENCOs will use these days as opportunities for upskilling their school workforce.
Details have been sent to PINS schools but if you have not had them, please contact WTT or your PINS lead.
COMING UP in Spring Term 2025
Face to face workshop training days on:
Enabling Readiness to Learn for Neurodivergent Children - wellbeing, readiness to learn and approaches to behaviour. (20th or 22nd January 2025)
Effective Teaching and Learning for Neurodivergent Pupils-skills for learning (4th Feb or 6th March 2025)
Developing Social Knowledge in Neurordivergent Children and their Peers (14th Feb or 7th March 2025)
Creating an Effective Language Environment for Neurodivergent Children (11th March or 26th March 2025)
Supporting Needs-Led SEND provision within school (19th March or 27th March 2025)
Email invitations will be sent to all PINS schools with an overview of the content and links to book.
PINS Support for Schools
Please see the attachment below - Schools Explanatory Note
PINS Menu of Support
Please see the attachment below - Menu of Support
PINS Parent Carer Survey and Information
Please see the attachments below- Parent Carer Survey and Information on the Parent Carer Survey
PLEASE NOTE: The Parent Carer Survey template is for information only
PINS Children's Voice Resource Pack
Please see the attachment below - Children's Voice Resource Pack