What do we mean by Sensory Processing Differences?
The ability to:
and Manage
the world around us using the information received through all of our senses.
Visual, Auditory, Olfactory (Smell), Gustatory (Taste) Touch/Texture
Proprioception (Body Awareness) Vestibular (Balance) & Interoception (Internal Signals)
Processing everyday sensory information can be challenging and distressing for autistic children and young people. Any of their senses may be over or under-sensitive, or both. The uneven profile also means capacity is not an absolute so what they can 'manage' at different times and contexts will be different.
Sensory can affect how they act, how they manage their emotions and can have a direct impact on being able to access learning environments
Sensory overload is described as 'too much information.' All the senses are receiving information constantly and when there is too much to filter out it can cause stress, anxiety, and for some even physical pain. You might not see or know what the trigger is. What you might see is a child/young person exhibit extremely distressing behaviours or meltdowns.
Watch the amazing video below from Newcastle Hospitals explaining the sensory systems and how children and young people may be processing the world around them.
Click here for more information on Sensory Integration.
Visit Lincolnshire's New Sensory Processing Difficulties Website for information and training workshops
The attachments below are tools to explore both the sensory environment for the child or young person and their own differences in processing and integration. WTT can support the use of these tools and building a plan of support through training staff and families and through coaching professionals within Lincolnshire mainstream settings.
We DO NOT to carry out "sensory assessments".